ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 18

The Landscape Map of Khakassia

Yu. M. Semenov, G. I. Lysanova
The works on drawing up the landscape-estimated map of Asian part of Russia are conducted in V.B. Sochava Institute of geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. Their purpose is display of the modern structurally functional organization of landscapes of Siberia for justification of differentiation of territories at the solution of problems of territorial planning and ekological-geographical justification of creation of large economic objects.
We examine the results of landscape mapping of the territory of the Republic of Khakassia located in the central part of the Asian continent in the south of Central Siberia are considered.
The technique of mapping was based on the V. B. Sochava's doctrine about geosystems and the principles of creation of hierarchical structure of geomers by integration of structural and structural-dynamic indicators. Own ideas of authors of geosystems classification received from experience of landscape mapping of other regions of the South of Siberia also are used by drawing up the map.
As a result of researches a big variety of geosystems is revealed. Distribution of 76 groups of facies is shown on the map. They are united in a map legend into classes of facies, geoms and groups of geoms. The landscape structure of the territory considerably differs when comparing her flat and mountain parts. The quite homogeneous structure and large areas of landscape contours are typical for lowlands, and considerable complexity, contrast, and small contours are typical for mountainous systems.
The data about geosystems received at landscape mapping will be interpreted from positions of applied geography for creation landscape-estimated maps with application of methods of landscape planning.
geosystems, Khakassia, mapping, landscape structure, groups of facies, geoms

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