ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 18

Estimation of Minor Gaseous Admixtures Spatial Distribution Over the Lake Baikal Water Area in Summer Period by the use of Field Measurements and Mathematical Simulation

V. L. Makukhin, V. A. Obolkin, V. L. Potemkin, I. V. Latysheva, T. V. Khodzher
Instrumental and simulation methods were used to study spatial distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere over the Lake Baikal. In July of 2016, boat measurements of main anthropogenic admixtures (SO2, H2S, NO, NO2, CO2) were conducted above the whole lake water area. Those measurements have shown that in summer period in average in the lake atmosphere low concentrations of pollutants (as low background ones) are prevailed. Daily averages of sulphur and nitrogen compounds were not higher than 2–5 µg/m3. However sometimes brief but very high concentrations of nitrogen oxides were observed which were caused by boat engine emissions. Any significant influence of settlements situated in central zone (Sludyanka, Baikalsk, Selenginsk, Kamensk) into air pollution over lake water area had not been registered as well. The mathematical model of turbulent diffusion of pollutants was used to estimate possible contribution of Baikalsk, Kamensk and Selenginsk cities into concentrations of sulphur and nitrogen dioxides above the lake water area of South Baikal. Numerical experiments have shown that even largest cities of central zone – Baikalsk, Selenginsk, Kamensk – make insignificant contribution of sulphur and nitrogen oxides in their concentrations over the lake water area – up to 1-5 µg/m3. The model estimations of SO2 and NOx values quantitative and qualitative are closed to those measured ones.
Lake Baikal, sulphur dioxide, measurements, numerical modeling

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