ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 18

Methods of Creation Map Landscapes of Scale 1:100 000

E. I. Nagovizina, N. G. Solpina, Z. O. Kuzavkova
Integrated mapping of the natural environment in our country has been developed in 70-ies of the last century, when there was a need for a comprehensive study of the natural systems already developed areas and the new, newly developed. Mapping of natural complexes or landscape mapping has become possible because by this time has accumulated experience in mapping the individual components of geosystems of different natural conditions of the territories, and there was the need to display their relationships and interdependencies. Landscape mapping within the country or large regions, until recently, was represented mainly small-scale maps.
This article discusses the features of regional (medium-scale) landscape mapping at the present stage, using not only traditional methods: field mapping, and remote sensing techniques – use of materials of aerial and space imagery, their interpretation and analysis. For mapping studies of the landscape selected area near the river Kartagon, left tributary of Kitoy, located on the territory of Usolsk administrative district of Irkutsk region. There is strong human pressure on the natural environment, which leads to the transformation of indigenous landscapes, so the cartographic analysis of the current state of landscape is relevant for a given area.
The creation of landscape map of scale 1:100 000, was performed based on the analysis of maps of the nature of literary sources, interpretation of satellite imagery for the territory of Usolsk district and analysis, conducting field work on the key areas that display the characteristic features of local landscapes and their individual components.
landscape, landscape mapping, field research methods, interpretation of satellite imagery

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