ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 19

Territorial Planning of “Mamai” Tourist-Recreational Complex in the Southern Baikal Region

A. D. Abalakov, S. B. Kuzmin, D. I. Maryshkin
A spatial planning of tourist and recreation complex-polygon “Mamai”, located in the Kabansky district of the Republic of Buryatia in Southern Baikal, had been attempted. The article describes the principles of territorial planning, combining the techniques of regional planning of municipalities and functional zoning of national parks. Planning organization of the territory is based on landscape-typological approach. The type of landscape development appropriates to mode of recreation-economic using in the functional area. For all polygon it is developed the planning structure and functional zoning. Planning structure is regarded as a model of simultaneous and coherent functioning of various economic objects and the most important elements of the natural landscape at different stages of their development. The main planning centers, axes and areas, providing tourist and recreational complex organization-polygon, have been developed. Planning structure is consistent with the scheme of the functional zoning. The types of functional areas to be allocated to the complex-polygon “Mamai”, carried out linking these areas to specific sections of the territory. Recommendations to optimize “Mamai” polygon are presented within each of the functional areas. Complementary maps of the planning structure and functional zoning of the polygon were constructed. It has allocated 15 subzones of four functional areas. Detailed description of planning elements was discussed. Perspective directions of development of the “Mamai” complex have been recommended.
tourist and recreation complex, territorial planning, planning structure, functional zoning, Southern Baikal Region

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