ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2018. Vol. 23

The Main Criteria for Allocating Earthquake Chains in the Baikal Region Lithosphere

А. V. Klyuchevskii, A. A. Kakourova
Within the framework of the basic model of migratory seismicity, numerical methods have been used to determine the criteria for identifying earthquake chains in epicentral fields of different geometry and the distribution of shocks. The developed model complements the study of migrations of earthquake sources: it allows us to establish the criteria for seismomigration as the excess of the average numbers of chains created by a random spatiotemporal shocks distribution. The seismicity of the Baikal region was used as a prototype of the spatio-temporal and energy distribution of imitation events. When simulating the “area” distribution, simulation events were randomly generated with a constant probability density in round-shaped areas. The “strip” distribution is performed for rectangular areas: along the sites, simulation events were randomly generated with a constant probability density, and across the site – according to the normal law. The criteria of “significance” and “representativeness” presented in the form of graphs and tables make it possible to parametrize the procedure for isolating earthquake migration chains in the epicentral field of seismicity in the region and in the fault zone. In the long term, this makes it possible to obtain homogeneous information for direct comparison of the migration activity of various territories, as characteristics of modern geodynamics and tectonophysics of the lithosphere, and also to search for a precursor of a strong earthquake. The developed methods, implemented programs and the results obtained lay the theoretical and practical basis for the technology of studying the migration of earthquake sources in the Baikal region.
For citation:
Klyuchevskii A.V., Kakourova A.A. The Main Criteria for Allocating Earthquake Chains in the Baikal Region Lithosphere. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 23, pp. 64-73. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2018.23.64. (in Russian)
Baikal region, lithosphere, fault zone, earthquake chains, base model of migrating seismicity, criteria for allocating chains




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