ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2018. Vol. 24

The Modern State of Hunting Resources of Siberia

V. A. Prelovskiy, G. V. Ponomarev, V. S. Kambalin
Hunting economy of Russia is an important part of the national economic complex, the total annual turnover of which is estimated at 80-100 billion rubles, of which 16 billion rubles accounted for hunting products and services in this area. Hunting grounds in Siberia occupy an area of 462,197.6 thousand hectares (85 % of the total area of the district), more than half of them are public. On the territory of Siberia, the number of species classified as hunting objects varies slightly by region and averages 50-60 species of birds and mammals. The most popular are about 30 species, the rest are mined in small quantities and are not of great importance in the economy of the region. The paper presents data on the state of resources of the most important and widespread hunting animals in Siberia. The main trends of changes in the number of animals and features of the distribution of reserves in the subjects of the Siberian Federal district for 2008-2016 are revealed. The high number of hunting species is probably associated with overestimation of indicators by unscrupulous hunters in order to increase the number of licenses and is caused by the high demand for their derivatives (fur, musk, bile, fat, paws, etc.). The basic tendencies of formation of the modern market of furs are presented. The decline in demand, lower purchase prices, higher transportation costs, as well as changing rules and terms of hunting led to the decline in production of most of the once valuable fur-bearing animals. The rating of regions by hunting value is made and the cost estimation of social and economic value of branch on each subject and as a whole on the Federal district is given. Every year it increases by 1-3 % and in 2016 it was estimated at about 8.4 billion rubles. In accordance with the targets set out in the Strategy for the development of hunting in Russia until 2030, the regions of Siberia, which have high potential for hunting resources, can become major centers of development grew.
For citation:
Prelovskiy V. A., Ponomarev G. V., Kambalin V. S. The Modern State of Hunting Resources of Siberia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 81-98. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2018.24.81. (in Russian).
Siberia, hunting and fishing resources, number, production, dynamics of the fur market, assessment of the value of hunting

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