ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 17

G. A. Dmitriev. Hard Fate and Paleontological Discoveries

A. T. Korolkov, A. E. Murzintseva, N. A. Lyamina

George A. Dmitriev (1915–1995) – a talented geologist, associate professor of Irkutsk State University. He has made a contribution to the study of the processes of formation of coal deposits of the Pechora coal basin and Baikal. He first drew attention to the role of paleostructures in the formation of the coal seam and enclosing it rocks. The study of self-organization processes of geological structures has developed a doctrine of symmetry as a general method of knowledge of the laws of the earth.

Being a prisoner of the Gulag, he worked at the Inta coal field, where he found the lake sediments rich in fossils. New family, genus and species of amphibians Early Permian age was discovered from the Dmitriev’s collection.
In 1959–1963 A. G. Dmitriev worked in Buryat Complex Scientific Research Institute SB AS USSR in the city of Ulan-Ude. He studied the genesis and structure of the coal-bearing deposits of the Buryat Republic. The main objects of research were the river Hilock valley, Tugnui depression and Lake Gusinoe depression. Dmitriev has opened a new location of the dinosaur bones Krasny Yar. He collected numerous remains of vertebrates in the Mesozoic deposits. Of these paleontologists some new species were identified. After 1963 Dmitriev moved to Irkutsk region. He worked at the Limnological Institute and taught at the Irkutsk State University.
The article presents the archival materials. The data on the paleontological items, collected Dmitriev, kept in RAS institutes, are given. Specially marked taxa of fossil fauna discovered in his collections.
Transbaikalia, coal-bearing deposits, paleontological collections, Permian, Mesozoic, the doctrine of symmetry

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