ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 17

Heterogeneity of Seismic Wave Attenuation on the Southern Pribaikalie and Transbaikalia

A. A. Dobrynina, V. A. Sankov, P. A. Predein, V. V. Chechelnitsky, Ts. A. Tubanov

Zoning according the seismic wave attenuation for the southern Pribaikalie and Transbaikalia area was carried out on the base of lateral variations of seismic quality factor obtained form direct body and coda waves and an information about the macroseismic fields perceptible earthquakes in recent years. Siberian platform block is characterized by low seismic wave attenuation and low level of heterogeneity of the medium. The Transbaikalia and Khamar-Daban blocks are characterized by higher values of attenuation of seismic waves and the heterogeneity of the medium. The highest attenuation is observed in the Baikal rift system’s structures. At the same time there is a tendency to a significant (up to 60%) increasing of the seismic wave attenuation for traces crossing areas of the main faults. The main features of the observed pattern of absorption of seismic waves are stored in the macroseismic fields perceptible earthquakes in recent years. This fact allows us to conclude with sufficient certainty that the observed azimuthal variations macroseismic manifestations during strong earthquakes are mainly related to the elastic properties of the lithosphere and weakly dependent on the earthquake focal mechanism and the location of populated areas with respect to the epicenter.

attenuation of seismic waves, absorption, quality factor, makroseismics, Baikal rift system

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