ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 19

About Dynamics of the Formation of Major Faults Lithosphere (Results of Physical Modeling)

A. V. Cheremnykh
The article discusses the results of physical modeling of major fault zones formed in the elasto-plastic models of the lithosphere under compression, shear and tension. The experiments were carried out at the «Fault» with respect to the theory of similarity and using the same initial boundary conditions that allow to compare results obtained with different models. For all experimentally reproduced morpho-genetic types of the fault zones the analysis of the deformation dynamics of the components of the inner structure of the systems ruptures. In the development of known ideas about the stages of formation of fault zones, it is shown that the deformation dynamics internal faults within the stages and in the transient time intervals between stages is significantly different. Revealed temporal periodicity of critical dynamical states prefracture systems break of the internal structure of fault zones. Such states are noted as before interstage structural rearrangements, and within stages, before the stage change. Fault dissipative structure (FDS) should be formed in major fault zones every 2 and 4 million years. Scale-hierarchic structure of fault zones in the lithosphere involves the formation of a smaller FDS for shorter periods. The installed regularities can be useful in the study of the seismic process and structures of ore fields and deposits.
fault zones, structural adjustment, frequency, physical modeling, fault dissipative structure, similarity

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