ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 22

Geosystem Exploration and Mapping of Environmental Quality of Urbanized Area

T. I. Konovalova, V. N. Kurdyukov, M. V. Levasheva, A. S. Silaev, N. V. Petruhin
The problem of monitoring change in the quality of the environment Urbani-siromasnih territories necessitated the study of the organization and functioning of natural and natural-technical systems. Anthropogenic influence can provoke the emergence or strengthening of a number of negative natural processes and phenomena. The intensity of the degradation of geosystems depends on the character of anthropogenic load, and on a number of factors of their organization, the features of heat and humidity, conformity to the physical and geographical conditions of higher landscape stability, direction natural transformation, the resonance of natural and anthropogenic processes. In turn, degradation of the environment leads to significant changes in health and conditions of human life. Componentwise evaluation of the quality of environment does not provide an accurate picture of its transformation because of the existence properties of emergentness. The application of the same maximum permissible quantities of anthropogenic impact for all types of geosystems is problematic due to the properties of variability, characteristic of the latter. The difficulties of matching disparate primary data are driving the need to simplify their analysis, which reduces the solution of complex tasks to private, taking, thereby, from the realities of multilateral research of the territory, analysis of the peculiarities of its transformation. The solution to this problem is largely determined by the knowledge of patterns of organization of geosystems, when the whole mechanism of the equipment of tasks, synthesized on a single geosystem basis and becomes easily comparable. In this approach landscape is considered as a whole, in which the relationships between them and their components are made through their common affiliation to the superior geosystems. It is a product of the synthesis of time and space personified in the holistic appearance of interconnected components that respond to external factors, including human activities, depending on their organization. The article presents the results of geosystem exploration and mapping the environmental quality of the regional and industrial center of Eastern Siberia – Irkutsk city.
geosystem, invariant, urban landscapes, transformation, valuation factors, terms of stay, comfort

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