ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2024. Vol 49

The Problem of Waste Management in the Development of Tourist and Recreational Activities in Protected Areas (Baikal National Park, Olkhon Island)

E. N. Solovyova, L. A. Epova, I. I. Podlipsky
Due to the high tourist popularity of the Baikal National Park (Pribaikalsky NP), its natural complexes are experiencing anthropogenic influence. One of the problems is the solid and liquid municipal waste management system. In this paper, the issues of waste management are discussed both by the municipality within the boundaries of the settlements of Olkhon Island, which are part of the boundaries of the Baikal NP, and on the tourist routes of protected areas. Due to the high tourist load on the island's ecosystems, the main attention is paid to the visitor dynamics of routes for the period from 2020 to 2023, the types of accumulated waste, their volumes, the infrastructure of accumulation points, its compliance with regulatory legal acts. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that on average, 0.38±0.06 (0.26–0.55) kg/year of waste per tourist is accounted for. The analysis of accumulated and exported waste from the routes of the Baikal NP (2020–2023) showed an unstable dynamics of accumulation of solid municipal waste. The problem of waste transportation is considered separately, the key factors of which are the congestion of the ferry crossing, the nature and condition of the routes (land, water) of specialized transport. Based on the results of the work done, the main risks to the island's ecosystem in waste management have been identified: animal behavior disorder, human–animal conflicts, the spread of ruderal plants and synanthropic animals, which can cause significant damage to native species, as well as lead to loss of recreational attractiveness. The authors concluded that the ongoing environmental measures and the reorientation of the waste management system in the Baikal NP to selective collection in the Irkutsk region will reduce the amount of waste entering the landfill, thereby reducing the impact on the environment, as well as solve the problem of waste generation, which requires an increase in the number of landfills due to the lack of waste processing plants in the region.
About the Authors

Solovyova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Reserved Baikal Region”, 291B, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, 664050, Russian Federation, e-mail: soloveva@baikal-1.ru

Epova Lidia Alekseevna, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Reserved Baikal Region”, 291B, Baikalskaya st., Irkutsk, 664050, Russian Federation, e-mail: Lepova88@mail.ru

Podlipsky Ivan Ivanovich, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Geology and Geoecology, Herzen State Pedagogical University, 48, Moika River emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology, Saint Petersburg State University, 7-9 Universitetskaya emb., Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation, e-mail: primass@inbox.ru

For citation

Solovyova E.N., Epova L.A., Podlipsky I.I. The Problem of Waste Management in the Development of Tourist and Recreational Activities in Protected Areas (Baikal National Park, Olkhon Island). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 130-145. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2024.49.130 (in Russian)

liquid municipal waste, Olkhon Island, Baikal National Park, tourist and recreational activities, solid municipal waste, waste transportation.

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