ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2024. Vol 49

Current State and Prospects for Development of the Territory of the Chinese Northeastern Province of Jilin

S. B. Makeeva
A review of the experience of using land resources in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin as part of the implementation of projects to develop the territory of the old industrial base in northeastern China shows that the PRC government pays special attention to the strategically important border area. The development of the territory in Jilin Province is carried out in accordance with the updated regional coordinated development strategy adopted in 2012 in the PRC, the development strategy of the main functional regions, the new urbanization strategy and the rural revitalization strategy. The tasks of coordinating the growth of urban areas and protecting cultivated lands come to the forefront. The Chinese authorities associate the further implementation of the policy of “openness” with Jilin Province in the northeast direction. The efficient use of land resources in the province is regulated by a whole complex of legal and regulatory frameworks. Jilin puts forward clear goals for the construction of regional infrastructure focused on protecting the environment, optimizing rural settlements, promoting urbanization, modernizing transport and logistics routes, and protecting key energy and water resources. Since 2021, the main projects of spatial transformations have been implemented in the province: the project of spatial placement and construction of industrial facilities “one base – six pairs” and the project of an integrated structure for the protection and spatial development of the territory of the province “one circle, two barriers, three zones, four axes.”
About the Authors
Makeeva Svetlana Borisovna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Head, Department of Regional Demography, Institute for Demographic Research FCTAS RAS, 13/3, Borisoglebsky lane, Moscow, 121069, Russian Federation, e-mail: msbmag9581@yandex.ru
For citation

Makeeva S.B. Current State and Prospects for Development of the Territory of the Chinese Northeastern Province of Jilin. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 88-103. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2024.49.88 (in Russian)

China, northeastern territory, Jilin province, territorial planning, transformation.
914.332.02 (518.2)

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