ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2024. Vol 49

Assessing the Vulnerability of Agrarian-Oriented Natural Economic Systems

B. A. Krasnoyarova, A. E. Nazarenko, T. G. Plutalova, S. N. Sharabarina, S. G. Baryshnikov
The article presents the results of assessing the spatial differentiation of agrarian-oriented natural economic systems (NES) according to the degree of vulnerability to natural and socio-economic impact factors, taking into account long-term environmental and economic priorities. The model territory is the NES of the Altai Krai. Four groups of NES vulnerability factors have been identified: climate change, environmental pollution, agricultural production and water supply to the population. They, in turn, are determined by the following impact factors: demographic, food security, technological, agroecological, infrastructural, water quality factors, waste disposal and air pollution. The author's algorithm for their evaluation is proposed and implemented. A high degree of vulnerability to natural and socio-economic impact factors is characteristic of the steppe NES due to the high agricultural load and low favorable agro-climatic conditions (droughts, dust storms, contrasting thermal conditions). Moderate vulnerability is typical for forest-steppe NES with high sensitivity to agricultural impacts and moderate sensitivity in terms of water availability. The piedmont-mountain NES, against the background of moderate vulnerability to agricultural impacts and low vulnerability parameters in terms of water availability and environmental pollution, have a low total vulnerability. The results obtained are of a practice-oriented nature, allowing the development of targeted recommendations for economic entities of municipalities and regional authorities. The last factor is especially important in the context of making timely management decisions to reduce the degree of vulnerability of NES and increase resistance to modern challenges and threats.
About the Authors

Krasnoyarova Bella Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Sciences (Geography), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail: bella@iwep.ru

Nazarenko Anton Evgenievich, Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Junior Research Scientist, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail: harret1992@mail.ru

Plutalova Tatyana Gennadievna, Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Research Scientist, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail: plutalova.tg@gmail.com

Sharabarina Sofya Nikolaevna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Research Scientist, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail: sharabarinasof@gmail.com

Baryshnikov Sergey Gennadievich, Postgrduate, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail: sbaryshnikov18@gmail.com

For citation

Krasnoyarova B.A., Nazarenko A.E., Plutalova T.G., Sharabarina S.N., Baryshnikov S.G. Assessing the Vulnerability of Agrarian-Oriented Natural Economic Systems. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 72-87. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2024.49.72 (in Russian)

natural economic system, vulnerability, agricultural environmental management, climate change, pollution, water supply.

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