ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2022. Vol 42

Evaluation of the Comfort Development Potential in Urbanized Geosystems of Volgograd and Orenburg

S. A. Dubrovskaya, R. V. Ryakhov, V. M. Pavleychik
The article presents the results of assessing the comfort potential and development prospects of the urbanized geosystems of Volgograd and Orenburg on the basis of the developed geoinformation index of the urban environment comfort development potential (City Development Potential Index, CDPI). To ensure a comfortable and sustainable living environment in cities, it is necessary to carry out an active environmental impact to reduce the anthropogenic load. Urban green spaces are an important component for improving the well-being and health of citizens. An index was calculated based on indicators of the total area of technical geosystems of the territory, consisting of the sum of the areas of individual functional zones and the ratio of existing and projected natural-anthropogenic components to areas suitable for expanding green areas. Cartographic models have been constructed that reflect the differentiation of urban landscapes. Areas with negative index values have been identified where it is impossible (or minimally possible) to plant greenery on the territory due to the high density of existing anthropogenic geosystems. Low positive index values (from 0 to 0.5) refer to trees and shrubs relatively suitable for planting. The closer the positive value of the indicator to 1, the higher the potential for the development of recreational areas and the lower the existing anthropogenic load of the totality of technogenic subsystems. Calculations of index values for the studied cities showed significant differences related to the features of the planning structure, spatiotemporal development of infrastructure and the relief component of the landscape. The city of Volgograd is characterized by predominantly negative and low positive values of the index. Index values for determining the potential for the development of comfort in the city of Orenburg are much higher.
About the Authors

Dubrovskaya Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Science (Geography), Senior Researcher, Institute of Steppe UB RAS, 11, Pionerskaya st., Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation, e-mail: skaverina@bk.ru

Ryakhov Roman Vasilievich, Junior Researcher, Institute of Steppe UB RAS, 11, Pionerskaya st., Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation, e-mail: remus.rv@gmail.com

Pavleichik Vladimir Mikhailovich, Candidate of Science (Geography), Leading Researcher, Institute of Steppe UB RAS, 11, Pionerskaya st., Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation, e-mail: pavleychik@rambler.ru

For citation
Dubrovskaya S.A., Ryakhov R.V., Pavleychik V.M. Evaluation of the Comfort Development Potential in Urbanized Geosystems of Volgograd and Orenburg. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2022, vol. 42, pp. 29-40. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2022.42.29 (in Russian)
comfort of the urban environment, spatial differentiation, landscape structure, green infrastructure, geomorphometric indicators.

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