ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2022. Vol 39

Geoinformation Support and Planning of Educational Ecotourism as a Basis for Organizing Environmental Recreational Activities on Specially Protected Nature Areas of Lake Baikal

A. V. Myadzelets, N. M. Luzhkova
The paper considers the features of planning of educational ecological tourism on specially protected areas based on geosystem research and methods of geoinformation mapping. These approaches take into account the distribution of unique and sensitive landscapes, rare plant and animal species and the dynamics peculiarities of local geosystems and their components for designing recreational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection. As a result, the influence of the tourist activity factor and recreational using on certain sections of protected areas is reduced. The model plots are located within the FSE Zapovednoe Podlemor'e in the Zabaikalsky National Park and the Barguzinsky Reserve. A planning scheme of educational tourism is developed. It has a number of logical steps from the idea origin to the design of a route and excursion projection. Fundamental approaches of physical-geographical and landscape research, geoinformation analysis and landscape-interpretation mapping, methods of quantitative and qualitative (scoring) assessment, monitoring analysis are the scientific basis for the work. Authors carried out a number of fieldwork in the study area for a complex geographical analysis of the territory. A specific unit geoinformation database was created for key plots using ArcGIS and other programs. It contains basic information about the research area, for example, landscape characteristics, degree of disturbance and resistance to impact, the unique and rare plants and animals, available infrastructure, proposed routes, etc. Collected information and created thematic maps is a basis for development of scenarios for the planning of educational tourist activity at the model plots. Proposed scenarios take into account their landscapeecological, recreational and infrastructural features. The algorithm can be replicated for other Russian protected areas with similar legal, managerial, and socio-economic conditions.
About the Authors

Myadzelets Anastasia Vicktorovna, Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Senior Researcher, V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, 1, Ulan-Batorskaya st., Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation FSE “Zapovednoe Podlemorye”, 71, Lenin st., Ust-Barguzin, 671623, Russian Federation, e-mail: anastasia@irigs.irk.ru

Luzhkova Natalya Mihaylovna, Candidate of Science (Geography),Researcher, V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS 1, Ulan-Batorskaya st.

For citation
Myadzelets A. V., Luzhkova N. M. Geoinformation Support and Planning of Educational Ecotourism as a Basis for Organizing Environmental Recreational Activities on Specially Protected Nature Areas of Lake Baikal. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2022, vol. 39, pp. 81-98. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2022.39.81 (in Russian)
National park, geoinformation technologies, mapping, educational ecotourism, nature conservation.

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