ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2022. Vol 39

The Effect of Solar Radiation on the Height of Radiosonding in the Arctic

A. M. Balagurov
The measurement data of the radiosonding network are the basis for the analysis and forecast of weather, meteorological support of aviation and the armed forces, other forms of operational services to the population and the national economy. The Roshydromet radiosonding system does not fully meet the requirements for accuracy and the required amount of information received, especially in the Arctic region of Russia. In addition to the insufficient density of the aerological observation network in the Arctic, one of the main problems affecting the prognostic significance of a single release is the low height of the radiosonde level and, accordingly, the small volume of radiosonde data received, depending on the quality of the radiosonde balloons. Every year during the winter period in the Arctic there is a critical decrease in the radiosonding altitude associated with a decrease in temperature in the stratosphere. According to the results of the analysis of the radiosonding heights in the Arctic, the effect of increasing the height of the radiosonde in the daytime associated with heating of the radiosonde balloon by direct solar radiation was established. The difference of heights “day-night” reaches 18 km. The article considers the possibility of using the obtained results of research and testing of “winter” balloons in the Arctic to increase the volume of radiosonding data obtained.
About the Authors
Balagurov Alexander Mikhailovich, Candidate of Sciences (Physical and Mathematical), Chief Metrologist, Central Aerological Observatory of Roshydromet, 3, Pervomayskaya, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russian Federation, e-mail: a.balagurov@mail.ru
For citation
Balagurov A. M. The Effect of Solar Radiation on the Height of Radiosonding in the Arctic. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2022, vol. 39, pp. 16-27. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2022.39.16 (in Russian)
aerological network, sounding altitude, temperature in the stratosphere, radiosonde ballons, data volume.

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