ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2021. Vol. 35

Zoning of the Kemerovo Oblast Based on the Level of Technogenic Load and Environmental Factor

Y. А. Zheleznov

This research article presents the main results of zoning of the Kemerovo Oblast based on the level of technogenic load and environmental factor. Based on the analysis of a huge amount of statistical material, information data obtained from government reports, regional reports, strategies for socio-economic development, scientific publications, synthesized multispectral shooting (multispectral images), an assessment was made and relationships were established between the negative impact on the environment and its impact on people's lives of the region with different levels of technogenic load. The relationship between the ecological capacity and the negative impact on the environment is also considered, depending on the volume of coal production in the territory of Kuzbass (the Kuznetsk Basin). The raw material region was ranked according to the area of disturbed lands using synthesized multispectral analysis of space images. As a result of the comprehensive analysis, it was revealed that all municipalities with a high anthropogenic load are characterized by a decrease in environmental indicators of the sustainability of the development of the territory and an increase in negative consequences of both a medico-demographic and socio-economic nature. Analysis of the dynamics of coal mining and emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere showed a proportional relationship between an increase in coal production and an increase in indicators for cancer. It was also revealed that the overall level of diseases in the territories of intensive technogenesis is almost 2 times higher than in areas with a low level of technogenesis. Another tendency was found in urban districts with a high technogenic load – the average annual quantitative growth of negative medical and demographic indicators is proportional to the growth of coal production. Based on this, the author considered various ways to reduce the level of anthropogenic impact on the environment of the Kemerovo Oblast and gave general recommendations for improving the ecological situation in this region. The visualized result of this scientific work is the schematic maps, which reflect the ecological zoning of the region's territory according to the level of anthropogenic load.

About the Authors

Zheleznov Yaroslav Alexandrovich, Postgraduate, Department of Regional and Sectoral Economics, Institute of Economics and Management, Kemerovo State University, 6, Krasnaya st., Kemerovo, 650000, Russian Federation, e-mail: yaroslav_zheleznov_93@mail.ru

For citation

Zheleznov Y.А. Zoning of the Kemerovo Oblast Based on the Level of Technogenic Load and Environmental Factor. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2021, vol. 35, pp. 19-32. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2021.35.19 (in Russian)

ecological zoning, technogenic load, Kemerovo Oblast, Kuzbass, environmental factor, ecological capacity
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