ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2020. Vol. 32

The Role of Atmospheric Circulation in the Formation of Modern Pollen and Algological Composition in Precipitation in Central Yakutia

N. A. Kuryatnikova, N. S. Malygina, E. Yu. Mitrofanova, A. A. Galanin

In 2014-2015 in Central Yakutia (Yakutsk) 57 precipitation samples were taken, in 28 of which pollen grains and microscopic algae were detected by microscopic analysis. The maximum concentration of pollen and algae is observed in summer samples and is represented mainly by local taxa. Advective pollen grains were determined in single samples and are representatives of Tilia sp. and Acer sp. To assess the effects of atmospheric circulation on the advection of pollen grains and algae, synoptic processes were analyzed according to the Dzerdzeevsky classification. It allowed to determine the regions from whose territories pollen and algae were introduced. Thus, the pollen grains of Acer sp. of the warm period of 2014 came with air masses formed over territories located west of the study area. In the cold period pollen of sem. Asteraceae and diatom Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. came from neighboring territories that were free of snow cover, which contributed to the secondary rise of pollen grains. The pollen of Tilia sp. and the ditome Halamphora coffeaeformis (Ag.) Levkov, both detected in the sediments of the warm season of 2015, were brought by air masses coming from areas located southeast, namely from Primorye, where the areas of distribution of linden are.

About the Authors

Kuryatnikova Natalya Aleksandrovna, Lead Technologist, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail:ryabchinnatalia@gmail.com 

Malygina Natalya Sergeevna, Candidate of Sciences (Geogaphy), Senior Researcher, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail: natmgn@gmail.com 

Mitrofanova Elena Yurevna, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Senior Researcher, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, 1, Molodezhnaya st., Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation, e-mail: emit@iwep.ru 

Galanin Aleksey Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Sciences (Geogaphy), Chief Researcher, Institute of Permafrost SB RAS, 36, Merzlotnaya st., Yakutsk, 677010, Russian Federation, e-mail: agalanin@gmail.com

For citation

Kuryatnikova N.A., Malygina N.S., Mitrofanova E.Yu., Galanin A.A. The Role of Atmospheric Circulation in the Formation of Modern Pollen and Algological Composition in Precipitation in Central Yakutia. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2020, vol. 32, pp. 42-60. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2020.32.42 (in Russian)

Central Yakutia, precipitation, synoptic conditions, pollen, microscopic algae

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