ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2020. Vol. 31

Chemical Complex in Irkutsk Region in the Aspect of Its Environmental Problems

M. A. Tarakanov

The article discusses the formation and development of the chemical complex of the Irkutsk region, its role in the structure of the country's chemical industries. The enterprises of the chemical complex were created on the basis of the unique fuel and energy, raw materials and water resources of the region, an advantageous transport and geographical location. The industry included petrochemical, chemical, microbiological and medical industries. The chemical complex of the Baikal region made a great contribution to the production of industrial products of the USSR and was among the industries that determined the specialization of the industry in the region. During the years of economic reforms of the post-Soviet period, there was a sharp decline in production in many industries of the region, including the chemical one. The decrease in production has led to some improvement in the environmental situation in the area associated with the reduction of air emissions and industrial effluents of enterprises. At the same time, new environmental problems appeared related to the elimination of waste from stopped production. The article analyzes the current economic and environmental status of enterprises of the chemical complex, assesses the prospects for their development. The solution of environmental problems is associated with deepening the depth of processing of raw materials, the introduction of a closed water supply system, waste recycling.

About the Authors

Tarakanov Mikhail Alexandrovich, Candidate of Sciences (Economy), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Regional Economic and Social Problems, Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS, 134, Lermontov st., Irkutsk, 664033, e-mail: mihaltar@mail.ru

For citation

Tarakanov M.A. Chemical Complex in Irkutsk Region in the Aspect of Its Environmental Problems. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2020, vol. 31, pp. 68-84. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2020.31.68 (in Russian)

Irkutsk region; chemical complex; industrial enterprises; industry development; problems; environmental safety

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