ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2018. Vol. 25

Climate Change of Precipitation Regime Over Irkutsk Region in the Wintertime

Е. А. Kochugova

Using daily precipitation amounts changes in precipitation regime over Irkutsk region in winter months for the period 1961–2016 are investigated. It is shown, that in winter time 20–25 % of the annual precipitation norm fall in the north of the region and 10–20 % – in its central part. It is revealed, that over the last years in wintertime monthly precipitation over the region exceeded the norm by 1,5–2,5 times. This increase is accompanied by the increase in daily intensity of precipitation that might affect buildings envelopes and transport systems. Linear trends in the extreme precipitation are detected and estimated. The study provides an analysis of correlation between extreme precipitation and large-scale atmospheric mechanisms. According to B. L. Dzerdzeevsky classification, elementary circulation mechanisms that generate precipitation in the region are defined. For the region precipitation producing processes turned out to be the following: west zonal; northern meridional and stationary anticyclone. The dynamics of heavy snow frequency at different meteorological stations over Irkutsk region is studied. The proportion of extreme precipitation in its total amount is estimated.

About the Authors

Kochugova Elena Alexandrovna, Candidate of Science (Geography), Associate Professor, Irkutsk State University, 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, tel.: (3952)52-10-94, e-mail: kochugovae@mail.ru

For citation

Kochugova Е.А. Climate Change of Precipitation Regime Over Irkutsk Region in the Wintertime. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 25, pp. 107-120. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2018.25.107 (in Russian)

climatic change, extreme atmospheric precipitation, Irkutsk region, atmospheric circulation, B. L. Dzerdzeevskii classification

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