ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 21

Self-Organization of Geosystems: Theoretical Aspects

M. A. Nogovitsyna
The article analyzes the publications of Russian and foreign authors on self-organization. The origins of ideas about the self were related to questions about the origin of the world. In the twentieth century, the concept of self-organization developed in parallel with Cybernetics. Later, self-organizing systems began to be studied in the framework of synergetics. The results obtained in the framework of synergetics in the late XX century, is used in virtually all scientific disciplines, with the consequence that the concept of self-organization has received different interpretations. On the basis of self-organization A. D. Armand [1988, 1992] developed a theory of geographical processes, and formulate General principles for the development of geographical systems. Currently in geography developed several theories of self-organization of geographical space: geomorphological cycles B. Davis F. Clements successions zoning Thünen I. G. theory of Central places A. Christaller and polarized biosphere B. B. Rodoman self-development of transport networks Hagget P. – S. A. Tarkhov cascade theory of water-geochemical flows in landscapes B. B. Polynov, the theory of geochemical arenas M. A. Glazovskaya.
In the geography of self-organization is understood as a complex process of formation, preservation and orderly conversion of integrity due to internal factors such as material and energy exchange, internal relationships, resonance processes, the relationship with the environment, development, sustainability. Material-energy exchange between geosystems and their components is a factor that determines their internal unity.
self-organization, geosystems, geographic space, process, factor

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