ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 21

The Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Tourism Development within the Limits of Scientific-Training Ground «Sarma» on the Shore of Lake Baikal

A. D. Abalakov, N. S. Pankeeva
Issues of the application of the ecosystem approach to tourism development are discussed. The approach is a strategy for comprehensive management of land, water, biological and recreational resources. The approach contributes to protection, rational and sustainable use of resources. Ecosystem approach allows managers to determine the value of natural capital for the development of different types of recreational activities and improve decision making. The approach involves the ecosystem services assessment. Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems.
Identification and qualitative assessment of the significance of ecosystem services for tourism development were conducted within the limits of scientific-training ground “Sarma” (STG “Sarma”). It is located on the western shore of the Small Sea strait of Lake Baikal. The territory of STG “Sarma” is characterized by the presence of both typical Baikal landscapes and unique objects of geological environment, flora and fauna, historical and cultural heritage. Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy within the STG “Sarma”.
Landscape-interpretation approach is used to study issues mentioned above. The approach allows us to determine the landscape structure of the territory and to correlate different types of landscapes with its combinations of ecosystem services that have a different significance for the development of certain types of tourism.
tourism, ecosystem services, landscape-interpretation approach, Lake Baikal, scientific-training ground “Sarma”

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3. Tishkov A.A. Ecosystem services of landscapes as one of the main strategic resources of Russia. Strategic resources and conditions for sustainable development of the Russian Federation and its regions. Moscow, Institute of Geography RAS. 2014, pp. 70-89 (in Russian).

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6. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Available at: http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.html.

7. The Economics of Ecosystems &Biodiversity.;Available at: http://www.teebweb.org.

Full text (russian)