ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 21

Air Pollution Caused by Emissions of Industrial Enterprises of Irkutsk Region

A. V. Akhtimankina
The aim of investigation is assessment of air pollution level created by the emissions of stationary sources of industrial enterprises, taking into account climatic conditions of study territory. As imput information was used inventory data of 20 000 stationary sources of industrial enterprises and data of the 8-term observations of meteorological stations, located on the territory of 22 settlements for period 1995–2014. The calculation of absolute concentrations of contaminants was performed using standard empirical model based on the OND-86 and applied in software «Ecolog». To determine the frequency of exceeding hygienic standards of pollutants was used semi-empirical mathematical model that takes into account the climatic features of the area and based on the analytical solution of the transport equation and the turbulent diffusion of impurities with the closure on the Integral Distribution Functions of two-dimensional vector wind velocity. The calculation of air pollution was carried out for the two most important period: winter and summer. Priority harmful substances, in terms of creating high levels of pollution in the territory of the Irkutsk region, are: nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, carbon black, inorganic dust with a silicon content of 20–70 % and less than 20 %, nitrogen oxide, benzo(a)pyrene, oil ash, as well as a number of specific pollutants, such as formaldehyde, fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, and others substances. On the residential areas of the Irkutsk region concentrations of some pollutants in the 10–20 times higher than the standards set for them, and the exposure duration on living organisms and surrounded area of pollutants whose concentrations exceed the hygienic standards, reaches 600–700 hours per month. In purpose of graphical representation of calculated results was constructed schematic maps of isolines of absolute concentrations of pollutants and frequencies of exceeding hygienic standards with using software Surfer and Quantum GIS.
air pollution, industrial enterprises, mathematical modeling, harmful substances, hygienic standards
504.3.054 (571.53)

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