ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 21

Social, Economic and Territorial Aspects of Poland's Integration into the European Union

J. M. Zelenyuk
In recent years, Poland is among the countries with the most dynamically developing economy. Its achievements were largely the result of the country's inclusion in the European Union. The main advantages of this event were the opportunities for attracting foreign investments, free movement of labor resources, development of infrastructure, expansion of opportunities for export industries. However, the positive aspects of European integration are interlinked with its negative consequences: the outflow of resources to the more developed countries of Europe, the social stratification of the population, and the intensification of the economic differentiation of the regions of Poland.
The paper presents the economic and geographical analysis of the basic indicators of the social and economic development of Poland from the time of joining the European Union until 2015. The main trends in the development of the national economy associated with the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators, the sectoral structure of the economy, international trade and the inflow of foreign investments, are determined. The territorial aspects of Poland's integration at the level of macro- and meso-regions (voivodships) and the trends in social and economic differentiation of the country's regions, are considered.
the European Union, Poland's integration, GDP, economic structure, trade relations, macroregions of Poland, regional development

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Full text (russian)