ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 21

Factors of Formation of Human Potential of the Baikal Region

O. V. Valeeva
This article examines the main factors of human potential. Within the Baikal region can be traced significant stratification in human development. This is due to the influence of various factors, such as natural, historical and socio-economic, which are closely interconnected, and at the municipal level have varying degrees of symptoms, and depending on the geographical location. A quantitative assessment of the main groups of factors, which include a number of indicators characterizing the situation in the municipalities of the Baikal region. All values are given to the overall gradient that allows you to calculate the integrated assessment of the impact of all factors on human development. This makes it possible to assess the degree of favorable conditions for the population in the territory of the Baikal region, highlighting the “regions-leaders” and “regions-outsiders” as in some parameters, and on the aggregate effect of all the factors. As a result, the ranking according to the degree of influence of each factor highlighted certain typological groups of municipalities. To achieve the highest human development indicators need to strike a balance between groups of factors.
human potential, factor, the quality of life, standard of living, the Baikal region
УДК 911.330 (571.5)

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