ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 18

Problems Related to the Development of Recreational Potential of Olkhon Island in the Context of the Implementation of the Concept of Ecological Tourism

M. V. Levasheva
Provides a comprehensive characterization of the recreational potential of the model plot of the central zone of the Baikal natural territory-the island Olkhon. This representative for testing programs of ecological tourism, taking into account the potential monetization ecosystem services.
Conservation status of the territory defines priorities of resource using. Prospects for development and recreational potential of Olkhon conceptually reflect the integrated socio-economic development priorities of the Irkutsk region for the long term.
In the context of the work addressed problems related to the development of recreational potential, both gaps in environmental legislation and poor management of especially protected natural territory.
It has been established that the tourism infrastructure of the Pribaikalsky National Park functional zones on Olkhon (Island forestry) will not undergo cardinal changes. The most noticeable transformation line within the boundaries of visitor’s area and an economic zone.
Defined range of activities to reduce recreational pressure on the most vulnerable system. As a matter of priority, recommends the creation of an electronic database of maps (GIS) with a grid of routes. Each route should be accompanied by environmental passport.
Directions, including especially valuable and vulnerable habitats or natural monuments are position as a special "form of property" of the National Park, rigidly defining format and rules of their visit. This will serve as a basis for organizing the work of the Coordinating Center , quickly solves the issues of control and distribution of tourist groups on routes in the peak season.
Based on the analysis of natural and socio-economic factors identified the priorities of development of recreational potential of the model territory in the context of the implementation of environmental projects. Uniqueness of climate, geographical terrain led to the formation of a unique combination of natural complexes in one small area, in conjunction with the "primitive" transport infrastructure of the island is a good base for developing a brand of Olkhon, the maximum corresponding to the status of "World Heritage Plot”, precluding a standard set of funds attraction.
Key positions-event are programs and cultural activities, improvement of infrastructure, the efficient use of administrative resources and capabilities of tour-operating to work out mechanisms to regulate recreational threads.
ecotourism, especially protected natural territory, ecosystem services, recreational potential, recreational load mechanisms to regulate recreational stream
338.48 (571.53)

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