ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 18

Self-Organization of Geosystems of the Southern Baikal Region

M. A. Nogovitsyna
Southern Baikal region is located within the Baikal rift zone and the Altai-Sayan folded area. Self-organization of geosystems of the study area accounted for is in terms of the specific impact of the processes of geodynamic active area. Here are the main factors of self-organization of geosystems – material-energy metabolism, development, internal and external relationships, resonance, and resistance are influenced by the increased influx of endogenous heat, Neogene-Quaternary volcanism and high tectonic activity areas. The formation and development of neotectonic structures of the study area is determined by three energy element of the deep structure of the Earth – a powerful actinolite, light crustal blocks and the vertical channel of the mantle. They, in turn, affect the formation of components of geosystems and their relationships. In article results of researches of factors of self-organization of geosystems of the southern Baikal region, conducted based on the methodology of the study of the process of self-organization, field-out of field work, interpretation of space images. Shows the effect of the energy elements in the formation, development and current state of geosystems of the territory. It was revealed, that the southern Baikal region characterized by 5 stages of change self-organization of geosystems, each of which left an imprint in the modern structure of geosystems. 
Found that within districts, which records high values of the endogenous heat is concentrated geosystems, having in its composition as the ancient (relict) components and endemic.
self-organization, geosystem, factor, Baikal rift zone, the energy-carrier elements, endogenous heat

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