ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2018. Vol. 23

Development Factors and Intensity of Heavy Rains Erosion on the Arable Land of the Tom-Yaya Interfluve

N. S. Evseyeva, Z. N. Kvasnikova, M. A. Kashiro, A. S. Batmanova
Soil erosion, including storm erosion, is one of the main processes of the substances migration causing the degradation of soil. The intensity of storm erosion on the arable land of the southeast of subtaiga zone in the West Siberian plain is practically not studied. In this paper, the factors and intensity of development of storm erosion on the example of the South-East of the Tomsk region within the Tom-Yaya interfluve. We found that the investigated territory belongs to areas of heavy rains: there are potentially from 50 to 100 mm an atmospheric precipitation in days, and the intensity of the rainfall amounts 3,01–5,0 mm per min. Number of days with rainfall at the Tom-Yaya interfluve varies from year to year significantly from 38 to 91.
The authors conducted field observations over the effects of rainfall with the various durations and intensity on arable land with different cultivation history, length and degree of slopes. It is established that the intensity of storm erosion depends on amount of precipitation, cultivation history and relief, the erosion of the soil can various from the first fraction of cubic meter to 100 m3 per ha. Rainfall on the territory of the Tom-Yaya interfluve is the cause soil erosion in agricultural landscapes, which varies from weak to very strong level. The denudation rate of the arable land surface from heavy rainfall changes from 0,07 to 10 mm per year.
For citation:
Evseyeva N.S., Kvasnikova Z.N., Kashiro M.A., Batmanova A.S. Development Factors and Intensity of Heavy Rains Erosion on the Arable Land of the Tom-Yaya Interfluve. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 23, pp. 51-63. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2018.23.51. (in Russian)
heavy rain, erosion, arable land, the sub-taiga, the West Siberian Plain

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