ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2018. Vol. 23

Transformation of Priolhonye Geosystems in Later Cenozoic Era

A. Y. Bibaeva
The sequence of natural-historical transformations of the landscapes of northern Priolkhonye in the late Cenozoic is analyzed based on the published materials of paleogeographic reconstructions. There are several periods of cardinal reconstruction of the landscape structure. The main role in the formation and development of the geosystem structure was tectonic processes in the pre-Holocene time and changes in climatic conditions in the Holocene. At the present, natural conditions are instability dynamic transformations of the geosystems structure in the central part of the western coast of the Lake Baikal is enhanced by anthropogenic influence. It is expected that in conditions of predicted warming and aridization of the Priolkhonye climate this reasons can lead to a prolonged degradation of the forest growing conditions. In particular, disturbed geosystems of cedar forests by fire will change to pine-larch forests through the birch series. The change in the climatic parameters of the research area will also lead to cedar-fir bilberry-grass-green forest watersheds geosystems will change by cedar communities through of small-leaved species (poplar, aspen). It is predicted that steep slopes geosystems with pine-larch rarefied in combination with steppe wormwood low-grained lithophils will change to steppe small-grain-grassy lithophilic communities through the birch series.
For citation:
Bibaeva A.Yu. Transformation of Priolhonye Geosystems in Later Cenozoic Era. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 23, pp. 28-42. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2018.23.28. (in Russian)
Priolhonye, organization, dynamics, transformation of geosystems, forecast

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