ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2018. Vol. 24

Features of Long-Term and Seasonal Runoff of the Rivers of the Ural River Basin (on the Example of the Salmysh and Bolshoy Ik Rivers)

V. M. Pavleychik, Jh. T. Sivokhip
On the basis of the analysis of indicators of long-term and intra-annual runoff dynamics, characteristic features of the runoff of unregulated rivers Salmysh and Bolshoy Ik (the Ural River basin, the tributaries of the Sakmar River) are identified due to the landscape-geographical differences in the catchment areas of the rivers. The analysis of difference integral curves of average annual water discharge is carried out a comparison of the results obtained with data on other rivers in the Ural basin made it possible to identify the peculiarities of the runoff of the rivers in question, expressed in the implicit manifestation of the greater part of the region-wide high-water phase (1990-2005) and in its earlier offensive. It is revealed that in recent decades there has been a trend of redistribution of seasonal runoff, similar to that observed on the rivers of the European territory of Russia, and expressed in an increase in the share of runoff in winter low water. At the same time, rivers with mountain-forest flow formation conditions (Bolshoy Ik within western macroslope of the Southern Urals) are much less susceptible to these macro-regional trends, and also differ in the greater variability of annual runoff values. Differences in the distribution and interdependence of seasonal runoff of the rivers in question (on the basis of matrices of pair correlation), features of the spring flood are revealed. It is noted that for rivers with mountain-forest conditions of flow formation, a higher proportion of spring runoff and a more significant correlation of spring runoff with runoff in subsequent seasons are characteristic.
For citation:
Pavleychik V.M., Sivokhip Jh.T. Features of Long-Term and Seasonal Runoff of the Rivers of the Ural River Basin (on the Example of the Salmysh and Bolshoy Ik Rivers). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 70-80. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2018.24.70. (in Russian)
conditions of formation of runoff, water phase, long-term and seasonal runoff

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