ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 17

Material Composition of the Bottom Sediment in the Coastal Zone of the Irkutsk Reservoir

G. A. Karnaukhova

The results of the analysis of particle size distribution, mineralogical and geochemical composition of sediments of the coastal zone and the material presented products of coastal abrasion Irkutsk reservoir – head to Angara cascade reservoirs, obtained in 1981–2015 years by the author in conducting comprehensive field and laboratory studies. It is established that the coastal area of the reservoir is actively intercepts a large part of the abrasion material. Formation sediments and their material composition is in accordance with lithodynamic situation and composition of the material composing the abrasion shores of the reservoir. The main rocks that form the abrasion of the shores reservoirs are sandstones of Jurassic and Quaternary talus loams. According to granulometric composition of precipitation from shallow they are represented by sands, large silts, fine silty muds. Within the coastal zone is the differentiation of sedimentary material with the deposition and concentration of certain groups of minerals and elements that are indicators of the process of sedimentation. In the mineral composition in all types of bottom sediments leads the light fraction, making from of 99,1 to 99,7 % in each sample. The main minerals in the fraction, regardless of the composition of the feed material are quartz, plagioclase, qualispace. When abrasion of coasts composed of sandstones, the heavy fraction of sediments marked predominance of hornblende and garnet, and when erosion of the loam – hornblende, and epidote. The coastal area is a transit for the iron oxides and most trace elements. Of greater accumulation of trace elements V, Cr, Co observed in sands and silts large. At the same time in areas of abrasion sandstone sediments in lead V, Cr, at sites of erosion loam – Co. The best hubs oxides are the major siltstone. In the bottom sediments of the coastal shallows, there is a noticeable concentration of trace elements associated with detrital ore and accessory minerals of the heavy fraction of the, as well as with the minerals of the light fraction.

reservoir, coastal zone, sedimentation, material composition
551.351552 (282.256)

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