ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 17

Analysis of the Impact of Engineering and Geological Factors on the Stability of Tataurovsky Brown Coal Deposit Pit Walls

A. G. Verkhoturov, I. B. Razmakhnina, A. I. Chernov

Issues of the sustainability of career slopes Tataurovsky lignite deposit, based on the organization of instrumental control of pit walls and slopes in conjunction with the engineering-geological and hydrogeological studies are considered. The geological, hydrogeological, permafrost and technological conditions of thedeposit are analyzed.The main features of Tataurovsky deposit are its complex hydrogeological conditions, high hydrodynamic connection with the underflow water of Ingoda river, and the presence in the insular permafrost cut with capacity from 1 to 80 m.On the deposit, are two of geological and genetic complex, different in conditions of formation, composition and geotechnical properties: complex of Quaternary alluvium and Cretaceous complex deposition.It was found that the reasons for the development of active deformation in the pit sides and dumps is to reduce the angle of internal friction and cohesion value due to moisture rocks.The recommendations for the achievement of stability of miningparameters of coal pit, which consist in: observance of technological parameters, safety berms sizes, heights and ledges dumps tiers, as well as the angles of the slope of pit walls performing of complex drainage measures to avoid the deposit water inginfluence on the stability of pits and dumps internal constant monitoring of the state of the slopes, sides and tiers.

engineering and geological conditions, coalfields, water content of rocks, permafrost, fracturing, aquitard, stability of pit walls

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