ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 17

The Prerequisites of Creation of Tourist-Recreational Complex “Mamay” in the Southern Baikal Region

A. D. Abalakov, S. B. Kuzmin, D. I. Maryshkin

The article is concerned with the urgency of creation of tourist-recreational complex-polygon “Mamay”, located in Kabanskiy district of the Republic of Buryatia in South Baikal, in the Central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory. It is spoken in detail about development of general layout plan of tourist-recreational complex “Mamay”. The paper presents a map and satellite image of polygon “Mamay” displaying the major infrastructure elements of the area. Natural and socio-economic conditions that constitute the basis of its tourism potential are reflected. The scheme of physical-geographical zoning and the map of landscape structure of the polygon are made. In future work, these materials will be used as the basis for the development of recreation projects and planning organization of the landfill site. It is noted that the leading role in the territorial differentiation of natural complexes has high-zone features of landscapes, the influence of tectonics and water mass of lake Baikal. It is also noticed that its economic and geographical position of the territory is quite advantageous. It is reported that climatic features have a positive effect on the formation of tourist-recreational complex, and in particular on the creation of the mountain ski resort “Mamay”. It is shown that the organization of the polygon will contribute to tourism and recreational developing of the territory and provide employment for locals. 

natural conditions, socio-economic situation, tourist and recreational resources, physical-geographical zoning, landscape structure, southern Baikal region, tourist-recreational ground “Mamay”

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