ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 17

Transformation of Geosystems of the Lena-Angarsk Plateau

V. N. Nogovitsyn

The problems of assessment and prediction of environmental changes of the regions is the Foundation of modern geographic research. It is based on identifying directions of transformation of geosystems, consisting of a large number of disparate elements and their linkages. The task is complicated by the need to study the geosystem, developing in the conditions of climate and geodynamic changes. The main factors of transformation of geosystems geodynamic active regions on the example of predittivo structure of the Baikal rift zone. Specific features of spatial-temporal transformations of geosystems of Lena-Angara plateau, associated with the manifestation of neotectonic processes on the southeastern edge of the Siberian platform and the climatic changes of the late Cenozoic. Climatic changes in the region have identified the displacement of dark coniferous forest on the higher orographic levels and the wide distribution of larch taiga groups of facies. Changes under the influence of neotectonic processes have resulted in landscape boundaries that coincide with faults. Currently, the process of spatial transformation of geosystems is concentrated Rowan in the basin of the river Erlinge, where the formation of young golovich types of geosystems. The materials presented in the form of information synthesis of various data and knowledge about the territory based on the results of ground route research, map information, interpretation of space images.

Before rift zone, tectonic faults, ring structure, temporary conversion, spatial differentiation, dynamics and evolution of geosystems

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