ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2016. Vol. 17

Territorial Differentiation of Indicators of Population life Quality (in Irkutsk Region)

Yu. N. Dmitrieva

The aim of the given article is to distinguish the level of population life quality of one of East Siberian regions – Irkutsk region. The author have distinguished elements of population life quality taking into account authenticity and accessibility from the point of view of metropolitan regions and urban districts of Irkutsk region. On the base of this analysis the method of linear scaling has been used in the work, that allows to accomplish regulation of many statistical indicators. As a result of calculation data based on the integral index of life quality, the typology of metropolitan regions has been offered, and the rating of urban districts of the region has been built. Consequently, four types of territories have been distinguished – with high integral index mark, heightened mark, average and low. As a consequence of the given research it has been revealed that main factors of differentiation of indicators of population life quality are: firstly, geographical location of a region (urban district) – location in more settled and comfortable southern part of the region. Secondly, degree of urbanization, that is reflected in higher marks of all the indicators of urban districts, in comparison with metropolitan regions. Thirdly, territory specialization: young industrial cities of the region are characterized with heightened and high economical indexes and developed infrastructure, though there exists a negative factor: ecological condition of environment. 

quality of life of the population, Irkutsk region, territorial differentiation, environmental quality

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