ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 19

Cartographic Modeling of Cascade of Reservoirs in the Basin of Selenga (Mongolia). Preliminary Results

K. G. Levi, A. I. Miroshnichenko
In 2011, public hearings were initiated on the issue of construction of a number of hydraulic structures on the territory of Mongolia, and in particular in the basin. Selenga. In this debate, and has joined the international community. Subjects materials were contradictory and, therefore, the discussion also were contradictory. The documents cited in the bibliography, various digital estimate the size of flooded river valleys were laid, the volume of reservoirs etc. No coordinates were given to the planned construction of dams and so on. The authors arose genuine interest in this future infrastructure projects, and because an attempt was made their simulation based on the cartography. The following are the preliminary results of cartographic modeling of reservoirs in the basin. Selenga, Mongolia. We give morphometric characteristics of rivers and possible future reservoirs. Consider the weather and climate changes in the Northern Lake District and Prihangayskoy Mongolia and the Russian Altai. A qualitative assessment of possible environmental damage with additional materials on the seismicity of the region, the composition of sedimentary rocks, carrying river valleys. Warned about possible environmental damage amounts to the territory of Mongolia.
cartographic modeling, reservoir, lake, morphometry, weather and climate change, dendrochronology

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Full text (russian)