ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 19

Elemental Features and Petrogenesis of the Volcanic Rocks of the Kailassk and Turginsk Suites of the Alexandrovo-Zavodsk Depression, South-East Transbaikal Area

N. Khlif, S. A. Sasim, U. S. Andreeva
Classification and elemental features of the Kailassk and Turginsk suite volcanic rocks of the Alexandrovo-Zavodsk depression (South-East Transbaikal area) are considered. Based on mineralogical, petrographic and petrochemical characteristics of rocks revealed that the Kailassk rocks are formed by processes of assimilation-fractional crystallization. Acidic rocks of the Turginsk suite probably are products by melting of continental crust material. Complex classification criteria the volcanic rocks of the lower unit of the Kailassk suite refer to the shoshonite series, while upper one – trachybasalt series the volcanic rocks of the upper unit of the Kailassk suite with the acidic volcanic rocks of the Turginsk are Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rift association of the Alexandrovo-Zavodsk depression. Lower unit of Kailassk suite are characterized by Px+Fsp+Bt+Mag±Ol (basic-intermediate rocks) and Hbl+Px+Fsp+Bt+Mag±Ilm (intermediate rocks) phenocryst assemblages while the upper one are more dry Px-Pl-Afs and Hbl-Pl-Afs phenoryst assemblages. Preliminary assessment of the crystallization temperature of Kailassk suite volcanic rocks using the two-feldspar and two-pyroxene pyroxene thermometers are estimated to range of 980–1030°C for the volcanic rocks of the lower unit and 915–990 °C for the upper unit.
Alexandrovo-Zavodsk depression, South-East Transbaikalia, mineralogy, trachybasalt and shoshonite series, two-pyroxene and two-feldspar thermometry

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