ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 22

Impact of Discharges of Gusinoozerskaya Power Plant on Thermal and Hydrochemical Regime of Lake Gusinoe

B. Z. Tsydypov, S. G. Andreev, A. A. Ayurzhanaev, B. V. Sodnomov, B. O. Gurzhapov, E. A. Batotsyrenov, I. A. Pavlov, V. G. Shiretorova, I. D. Ulzetueva, D. A. Gabeeva, L. D. Radnaeva, E. Zh. Garmaev
This article is devoted to the assessment of the unfavorable impact of the Gusinoozerskaya Power Plant on the ecosystem of Lake Gusinoe. The new bathymetric map of Lake Gusinoe is created on the basis of the bathymetric survey in 2016 using the depth indicator Lowrance LMS 525CDF. Fields of distribution of thermal pollution of Lake Gusinoe from discharges of Gusinoozerskaya State District Power Plant are determined using methods of thermal infrared remote sensing (thermal bands of Landsat-8 TIRS spectroradiometer) and automatic digital recording of hydrothermal sensors, which were placed before Landsat-8 scanning. On the resulting maps, the direct impact of the power plant is clearly visible. The application of new approaches to the analysis and processing of thermal information has made it possible to obtain quantitative characteristics of the anomalous thermal fields of Lake Gusinoe surface from discharges of heated waters of Gusinoozerskaya Power Plant and to reveal features of its spatial variability. The empirical formula for converting satellite data into surface temperature requires a revision of the correction coefficients for the water surface. The macrocomponent and microelement composition of the lake water are determined. The negative impact of the power plant, housing and utility companies of settlements and main tributaries of the lake on the chemical composition of the lake's water was estimated. The content of biogenic substances (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) is higher in places of anthropogenic load. There is a significant decrease in the quality of water in the lake as a result of anthropogenic pollution.
Lake Gusinoe, State District Power Plant, thermal effect, Landsat, automatic temperature recorder, chemical composition of waters

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