ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 22

Air Pollution by Auto Transport Emissions on the Territory of Tourism-Recreation Coastal Zone of Lake Baikal

S. Z. Vologzhina, S. A. Novikova, F. M. Yasko
Assessment of air pollution from motor vehicles on the example of one of the most visited tourist places of coast zone of Lake Baikal was carried out in the article. Data the number of vehicles travel to and from the village of Listvyanka were collected. 41 videography for the types and intensity of transport traffic flow during weekends in February 2015, 2016 and July 2015 was carried out in the period attributable to the most intensive car traffic in this territory. Measurements of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide in the air have been carried out in February 2016 with help of the gas analyzer. Measurement results are compared with the values of maximum permissible concentrations. Using standard methodology quantities of polluting substances such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, benzo(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, soot in the exhaust gases of motor vehicles were calculated. The maximum value of the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and sulfur dioxide calculated according to field observations in January-February, exceeding the values of indicators in June-July. Emissions of nitrogen oxides, benzo(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, carbon black increased in June and July. In connection with the increase in the number of buses and minibuses, the average values for all pollutants in summer 2015 exceeds the value of winter season 2015. The largest increasing formaldehyde emissions (90 %) were observed, soot emissions increased by 60 %.
Listvyanka, air pollution, vehicle, methods of calculation, concentrations, gas analyzer

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Full text (russian)