ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 22

Spatial Organization of Geosystems in the Territory of Barguzin Biosphere Reserve

Z. O. Kuzavkova
The study of the spatial organization of geosystems is the most promising issue in the study of geodynamic active areas, which include the Barguzin biosphere reserve. The territory of the reserve is difficult to access, in connection with what the actual problem is the identification of the spatial organization of geosystems. It is important to know how filled the space, what are the relationships between the components of geosystems and directions of their further development with well of environmental planning. The article describes the main views on the representation of the spatial organization and the spatial organization of the Barguzinsky biosphere reserve with their historical formation and neotectonic stage of development of geosystems. Within the reserve there is a high diversity of endemics, relict and rare species of plants. Here developed the most ancient geological formations, which belong to the early Proterozoic. Table paleoreconstructions area during the late Cenozoic, which covers the features of the tectonic conditions, climate change, and the corresponding vegetation of the period under review. Paleogeographic analysis of the modern spatial organization of the reserve, possible to distinguish relict, endemic species, included in the structure of the vegetation cover, as well as their confinement to certain breeds, tectonic faults, which have high endogenous heat warm up. Such neotectonic activity seen in areas of faulting where there are thermal springs with water temperature from 40° to 80°C. At these locations, the most actively manifested endemism, the distribution of these outputs forms the relict and rare species of grass and shrub cover. This information allows us to identify the most resistant and susceptible to geosystems.
: geosystems, spatial organization, Barguzin biosphere reserve

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