ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 22

Forecasting Mapping the Geosystems State Based on Spatial-Temporal Changes of Taxonomic Diversity of Soil Zoocenoses

I. V. Balyazin
This paper presents the results of the analysis and forecasting mapping based on the landscape state of steppe and forest-steppe geosystems of the South-Minusinsk depression. The characteristics of the changes in taxonomic diversity of soil zoocenose composition under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors are analyzed. When removing the anthropogenic load, naturally regenerating biogeocenoses are characterized by regular changes of complexes of invertebrates, corresponding to abiotic and biotic environmental conditions and successional stages The main dynamic trend is a gradual increase in the number of taxes stabilization of the taxonomic diversity of the composition of the soil-biotic communities to the final stages of successions. While removing the anthropogenic impact for naturally regenerating biogeocoenoses, regular changes of invertebrate complexes are characteristic that correspond to the abiotic and biotic conditions of the environment and the succession stages. The main dynamic trend is the stabilization of taxonomic diversity in the composition of soil-biotic communities to the final succession stages. The state of the soil biota is not only an indicator of the current state of landscapes, but one of the predictors allowing to determine, what stage of recovery processes geosystems are at. However, the increasing anthropogenic impact is associated not only with the increase of technogenic emissions, but also with the territorial expansion of economic activity (new industrial areas, coal mines, etc.). Application of cartographic approach here makes it possible to assess the scope of changes and spatial position of transformed landscapes, and the use of comparative geographic approach in analyzing the state of soil zoocenoses determines the period, necessary for restoration the initial state of steppe and forest-steppe geosystems.
forecasting mapping, steppe and forest-steppe geosystems, soil zoocenoses, taxonomic diversity pedobionts

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