ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 20

Comparative Analysis of Seismic and Infrasonic Signals During Pulsed Events And Earthquakes

А. G. Sorokin, А. А. Dobrynina
This paper relies on data from recording of acoustic and seismic signals from pulsed sources and an earthquake. We consider that an acoustic shock in the atmosphere triggers a strong seismic surface wave whose parameters are associated with a characteristic of the upper layer of a section of the earth's crust in case of a pulsed source. In case of an earthquake, an acoustic signal in the atmosphere is caused by a seismic wave also passing through the upper layer of a section of the earth's crust.
We described an amplitude and frequency characteristic (AFC) of the upper layer of a section of the earth's crust for a passing acoustic wave, as with the Chelyabinsk meteoroid, and a seismic wave, as with December 5, 2014 earthquake near Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia), using a method of spectral ratios H/V of horizontal and vertical components of microseismic noise. An AFC of a medium clearly indicates characteristic frequencies at which a seismic or acoustic response of the medium to a pulse signal is possible.
For analysis and comparison of response signals, we used observations of simultaneous infrasonic and seismic effects during 2013 Chelyabinsk meteoroid fall and December 5, 2014 Khubsugul earthquake (К = 13,9).
We concluded that seismic signal frequencies closely matched local characteristic frequencies of a spectral ratio H/V of microseismic noise components, determined independently, in case of an acoustics shock of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid explosion. But in case of December 5, 2014 earthquake, characteristic frequencies of microseismic noise do not agree with frequencies of an acoustic signal spectrum. The reason could be that in case of the earthquake a source is of a significantly larger scale therefore, another mechanism of generation of an acoustic signal is involved.
atmosphere, acoustic impedance, earthquake, infrasound, meteorite, industrial explosion, seismic wave, nuclear explosion

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