ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 20

Commuting in Krasnoyarsk Urban Agglomerations

L. A. Dorofeeva, E. A. Kasyanova
There is present process of urban growth and development of urban agglomerations. Commuting is one of the factors of formation and development of urban agglomerations. The borders of the Krasnoyarsk urban agglomeration are corresponding to the boundaries of included municipalities. The real boundaries of urban agglomerations can be determined by examining commuting. Using the «keys» method and a sociological survey reveals the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the process.
Research methodology of commuting was tested by the example Emelyanovsky district in Krasnoyarsk region. Its geographic location determines the interest in research of commuting between suburban area and the municipal center of the Krasnoyarsk of urban agglomeration – the city of Krasnoyarsk. More than 500 people were interviewed questioning method in 4 villages and 4 suburban settlements. The interviewed population was divided into categories of rural residents and cottagers.
Results of the study confirmed the presence of commuting between Emelyanovsky district and Krasnoyarsk, in the summer the number of migrants is increasing. Selected «keys» are confirmed the link between the suburban area and the city at a distance of 40 km from Krasnoyarsk. As a result of the survey was dependence of distance from the city on the frequency and duration of commuting. The main barrier for residence on a suburban area – it is a weak development of social and cultural infrastructure for the rural population, household and community – for cottagers. The proposed research methodology can be applied for studying other included in the Krasnoyarsk agglomeration municipalities, and for the study of other urban agglomerations.
population, commuting, urban agglomeration, sociological survey, key method Emelyanovsky district, Krasnoyarsk

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