ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 20

The Attractiveness and Condition Some of the Planting Sites Usolye-Sibirskoye City

O. E. Sokolova

The green areas of settlements carry out a set of ecosystem services and provide a possibility of a recreation for all segments of the population. Performance of these functions is possible at certain indicators of structure and a condition of plantings on subjects to gardening. Existence of some methods of improvement providing appeal of the city is important. In the modern quickly developing and extending world of the cities, studying of their natural and anthropogenous systems which are presented by the greenery is very urgent. The assessment of structure, a state, a stage of a digression and appeal to the population have not only scientific, but practical and social value. For performance of field works were used as classical methods of geobotanical profiling and inventory of trees, and innovative author's techniques. In article an assessment is given to 33 green areas Usolye-Sibirskoye with a total area of 1602 hectares, what makes 20,2 % of the territory of the city. Appeal is estimated for 33 subjects to gardening. Their availability, improvement, uniqueness and other characteristics provided in points cause the general appeal of these places of a recreation. At a maximum of points 31, according to the used technique the greatest number of points was gathered «Verkhniy» (27 points) and «Nizhniy» park (25 points) and Avenue «Vechnyy ogon'« (26 points) as these objects in the city are most popular, the smallest point has fallen on the city wood «Lesovod» (5 points), the «Staroe» cemetery (7 points) and the planted trees and shrubs territories of the private sector on Timiryazev and Leningradskaya St. (on 7 points). The average attractiveness score for all areas did not exceed than half of the possible (13,6). Allocation of stages of a recreational digression and condition of plantings of wood forms allow to propose several measures for planning of sustainable development of urban areas.

green areas, state assessment, pedigree structure, stage of a recreational digression

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