ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2024. Vol 50

Ecological and Economic Balance Indicators Evaluation in Administrative Boundaries of Peter the Great Gulf Basin

T. K. Muzychenko
In this publication, the authors have performed the ecological and economic balance assessment on 18 administrative division units within the transboundary Peter the Great Gulf basin. The people have always viewed coastal areas as an attractive venue for economic development, thus subjecting them to increased environmental pressure and providing relevance to the publication subject matter. Land use patterns are influenced by administrative boundaries far more often than the natural, making them the most effective choice for the assessment. A land use/land cover map of the area of interest has been made via supervised classification of Sentinel-2 imagery. The map contains 10 land use/land cover classes: water bodies, built-up lands, quarries and mines, shrubs, forests, meadows, inactive rice paddies, inactive agricultural land, active rice paddies, active agricultural land. Each land use/land cover class has received an anthropogenic load rating on the scale from 1 to 6, allowing the authors to calculate the indicators used for ecological and economic balance assessment – absolute and relative tension indices, total area of resource-stabilizing land, and, finally, natural protectedness index. The indicators have shown that, on average, the balance between the natural potential and economic development is maintained within the area of interest. However, an individual municipality-based analysis reveals that some of them experience tense environmental conditions. These territories are usually urban (Vladivostok, Partizansk, Bolshoy Kamen, and Nakhodka), but rural territories with extensive agricultural development (such as Oktyabrsky and Mikhaylovsky districts) can also be vulnerable to various ecological threats, as evidenced by the assessment results.
About the Authors
Muzychenko Tatiana Konstantinovna, Junior Research Scientist, Information and Cartographic Center, Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS, 7, Radio st., Vladivostok, 690041, Russian Federation, e-mail: mtk1998@yandex.ru
For citation

Muzychenko T.K. Ecological and Economic Balance Indicators Evaluation in Administrative Boundaries of Peter the Great Gulf Basin. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2024, vol. 50, pp. 98-111. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2024.50.98 (in Russian)

ecological and economical balance, human impact, land use/land cover, Peter the Great Gulf, GIS-assisted mapping.

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