ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2021. Vol. 35

Hierarchical Classification of Geographical Systems

A. K. Cherkashin

A hierarchical system is the result of dividing a set of objects into subordinate groups in order from highest to lowest, where each lower level reveals and clarifies the properties of objects at a higher level. There is a difference between the natural hierarchy of geosystems-geochors and the hierarchy of geomers, which leads to taxonomic classification. Theoretical basis for creating a hierarchical classification of geosystems are developed using a conceptual model of geographical cycles of accumulation and removal of factor load on territorial objects of various scales. The cone of chorological and typological connections is considered as the basic metamodel of hierarchical structure. For its research, we use descriptive geometry tools to represent the cone in the vertical and horizontal (plan) projections. The surface and unfolding structures of the cone with sections at different levels reflect the hierarchy. The planned projection in the form of concentric structures is considered as model of the archetype of hierarchy formation. The horological and typological classifications converge in the position “natural zone” as the “parent core” of the type of natural environment, which represents the zonal norm. The concentric model has various interpretations, in particular, it is described as a system of local coordinates, where each coordinate corresponds to the categories of seriality of geosystems, i.e. the degree of their factoral-dynamic variability relatively to zonal geosystems. In the coordinate approach, the classification looks like a ranked set of merons and taxa, where the meron categories are represented by quantum numbers of the coordinate series, and the taxon is a sequence of such numbers of different series (numeric code). The formation of hierarchical classification is based on the triad principle, when the taxon of the upper level is divided into three lower level gradations, which are arranged in a homological series according to the degree of seriality. There is an analogy between the hierarchical structure of the periodic system of chemical elements and the typological classification of geosystems, when the periods of the system of elements correspond to the high-altitude layers and latitudinal zones of geochor placement or hierarchical levels of geomer classification. An unfolding and plan projection of the classification cone of facies for the Prichunsky landscape of the southern taiga of Central Siberia in three basic categories of variability of different levels geomers are presented.

About the Authors

Cherkashin Alexander Konstantinovich, Doctor of Sciences (Geography), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Theoretical Geography V. B. Sochavy Institute of Geography SB RAS, 1, Ulan-Batorskaya st., Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation, e-mail: cherk@mail.icc.ru

For citation

Cherkashin A.K. Hierarchical classification of geographical systems. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2021, vol. 35, pp. 125-153. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2021.35.125 (in Russian)

hierarchical classification, periodic system, typological stratification and foliation, mathematical models of archetypes, concentric knowledge model, homological series
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