ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2018. Vol. 24

Landscape Transformation of Geosystems in Zones of Influence of Debris Flows

Zh. V. Atutova, S. A. Makarov
The article focuses attention on the study of landscape transformations caused by the periodic manifestation of debris flows. Their frequency of occurrence in mountains of the South of Eastern Siberia is 16-40 years. The analysis of transformation of geosystems of the Tunkinsky depression as a result of a descent torrential water mud-stone and muddy-debris flows from slopes of highlands of the East Sayan is submitted. The map of the modern landscape structure of the northern part of the Tunkinskaya depression and its mountain frame with reflected complexes of debris flows geosystems formed after the natural disaster of 2014 is presented. In the highland part the zones of origin and transit of mud-stone flows are designated. Within the transition zone from the plain to the mountains the zones of transit of water-mud flows and accumulation of attracted boulder sediments are identified. On the gentle slopes of the depression the zones of transit and accumulation of suspended sandy-argillaceous deposits are designated. The consequences of the descent of debris flows along the channels of many rivers were devastating. The analysis of landscape structure of valleys of these rivers has shown that biotic components of geosystems have undergone the greatest transformation as a result of the occurred catastrophic phenomena. Monitoring observations of the restoration of the destroyed vegetable cover has been started. The data on a metakhronnost of dynamic processes are obtained. The overgrowth of accumulation zones of boulder deposits will take about a hundred years. The restoration of herb-grass meadows with thickets of bushes within the zones of accumulation of sandy-argillaceous deposits occurs at a higher rate.
For citation:
Atutova Zh.V., Makarov S.A. Landscape Transformation of Geosystems in Zones of Influence of Debris Flows. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 3-16. https://doi.org/10.26516/2073-3402.2018.24.3. (in Russian)
debris flows, morphodynamic debris flows zones, sediment accumulation, landscape structure, transformation, restoration, dynamics of geosystems

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