ISSN 2073-3402 (Print)

List of issues > Series «Earth Sciences». 2017. Vol. 19

Spatial Organization of Geosystems Barguzin State Natural Biosphere Reserve

T. I. Konovalova, Z. O. Kyzavkova
Knowledge of modern geosystems properties, regularities of their formation, and changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is the basis for the timely prediction of adverse events occurring during the change of environment. Abstract consideration of the individual components and static geosystems cannot bring meaningful results in solving these tasks. The situation is compounded by the need to study of geosystems regions, which are characterized by tectonic activity and high dynamic processes. The results of the study of geosystems of the region described as the unity of the territorial structures of different levels of scale, which are at various stages of the dynamic and evolutionary changes. The basic stages of formation of ideas about territory, chorological concept, modern methology of the study of geospace. Based on the theory of organization of geosystems approaches to the study of the spatial organization of geosystems, the definition of this term from the standpoint of system approach. Special attention is paid to the formation of invariants as a set of inherent landscape properties that remain unchanged in the process of transformation under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. In the article the peculiarities of the assessment of the interaction of the environment and landscape was the manifestation of a certain kind of dynamic transformations within the invariant. In the article the peculiarities of different invariant-variant combinations of geosystems of the Baikal region. Presented developed in the previous era landscape components, which are organized at present landscape structure. The materials are presented in the form of information synthesis of data and knowledge about the territory based on the results of ground and aerovisual route research, map information, interpretation of space images.
geosystem, Baikal rift zone, stability, dynamics, evolution, and interrelations of components, diversity

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Full text (russian)